Blenheim Canine Training | Agility
A dog obedience and agility club dedicated to promoting responsible dog ownership through education and training
Blenheim Canine Training, dog, agility, dog obedience, Marlborough, education, classes, puppy courses, advanced obedience, Rally O, first-time dog owners, frequent competitions
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Wendy Starters 1     Jasper 2nd Starters 2   1st and Jasper 3rd Novice 1   Crystal 1st ,Jasper 3rd Novice 2   Crystal 2nd Jasper 3rd Sandra Intermediate maxi   Finn 2nd JA 2 maxi Finn 3rd JA3 maxi Finn 3rd JC 1 maxi Rebel 3rd JC 2 Rebel maxi 2nd JC 3 maxi Rebel 2nd Sheryl Intermediate med Casey...

We had a mix bag of weather for this show I was very glad to have brought my new wet weather pants as Saturday ended up pretty wet and showers on and off Sunday. It was great to have Yana and Tex competing in their first...

The Agility Nationals for 2016 were held in Rakaia this year during October. Wendy, Sheryl ,Steph, and I stayed down south, with Wendy and Poodles in her camper. Us girls headed to MT Somers for the 4 days prior to the show so we could...

We achieved some great results at the Nelson Ribbon Show. Here is a detailed list: Starters 1: Wendy Reynolds & Crystal May 2nd, 1st Wendy Reynolds & Jasper 3rd Novice 1: Wendy Reynolds & Crystal May 1st Intermediate 1: Natasha Neame & Tricott 1st Senior: Natasha Neame & Tricott 1st JC1: Wendy Reynolds & Jasper 2nd Jenny Everest & Mindy...

The 2nd indoor show for the winter was on at the end of July with Jen and Mindy, Gilly and Peppy traveling to Christchurch for their first indoor show. Sheryl , Wendy and I were the other BCTC members there. The big indoor arena can be...

We performed a demonstration at the Riverlands School Gala on Saturday April 2nd. After a night of heavy rain it was a little ‘touch and go’ as to whether we'd be able to proceed, as slippery ground is not good for agility dogs. However the...

The annual Tuamarina Rodeo took place on a very warm day and was punctuated by a demo by our agility team. A Blenheim Canine Training Club  team of 7 handlers with 16 dogs put on an agility demo for a large apreciative crowd. It was very hot...

It was another hot day for the first Ribbon trial for the year. Nic was called in to judge when our contracted judge had to pull out a week or so before the event. We are so lucky to have him to be able to...

SPCA Dogs Christmas Day Out Demo We had a good crowd for the first part of our demo with the dogs having fun showing off their agility skills to the crowd. At the end of the 30min display Heidi, Finn and Mindy showed off their Fly...

Blenheim November Agility Champ Show   Another  very busy but very successful show for us on and off the courses with a lot of very good results from club members which I will get into soon. Thanks again to every one who helped us in any way over...