Blenheim Canine Training | CCOC Selwyn Indoor Show 30-31 July 2016
A dog obedience and agility club dedicated to promoting responsible dog ownership through education and training
Blenheim Canine Training, dog, agility, dog obedience, Marlborough, education, classes, puppy courses, advanced obedience, Rally O, first-time dog owners, frequent competitions
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CCOC Selwyn Indoor Show 30-31 July 2016

The 2nd indoor show for the winter was on at the end of July with Jen and Mindy, Gilly and Peppy traveling to Christchurch for their first indoor show. Sheryl , Wendy and I were the other BCTC members there.

The big indoor arena can be daunting to some dogs just being inside for one thing, then there’s the noise of the dogs barking is quite loud. There are mirrors on the wall so if the dogs spot themselves in them while walking etc can be a problem. Also the sand base can take a bit to get use to, particularly for the handlers. Mindy and peppy didn’t seem to mind in fact Peppy appeared to love it with an awesome starters run which they won putting them up to novice/intermediate. Mindy and Jen are getting use to the higher grade after moving up quite quickly after doing some lovely work which will all come together before long.

Q and Finn were fighting it out for the wining spots in intermediate again and I didn’t get lost on one course that weekend (LOL). Wendy was very pleased with how the pods (poodles) ran all weekend especially Jasper who is looking more confident all the time.

BCTC Results
Gilly and Peppy 1st Starters and another clear.
Wendy and Crystal placed 2nd in Novice small   had 3 clears
Wendy and Jasper had 3 clears
Finn and Sandra won an Intermediate maxi and got a 2nd in another one we had 6 clears for the weekend which is very good for us.
Sheryl and Q won the other two intermediates maxis and had a clear in JA
Casey had a clear in J A
Rebel and Sandra won 2 Novices and a clear in JC , but one was on 5 faults so doesn’t count for my 3 wins to go too senior thankfully.
