01 Jun A G M 2019
We held our A G M at the Saveur Restaurant on Wednesday Night 31 July 2019, 21 people were present and 19 stayed for dinner and socialised afterwards. Was a good night really nice to see so many new faces, below is our new committee welcome everyone both those returning officers and new.
Executive Members:
Patron: Murray Brooks
President: Karina Greenall
Secretary: Jennifer Everest
Vice President: Yoshimi Kurosawa
Treasurer: Wendy Champion
IPP: Sandra Goodwin
Senior Obedience Manager: Jennifer Everest
Deputy Obedience Manager: Yoshimi Kurosawa
Publicity Officer: Jennifer Everest
Newsletter Editor: Jennifer Everest
Trophy and Ribbon Steward: Wendy Reynolds
Agility Manager: Wendy Reynolds
Deputy Agility Manager: Natasha Neame
Other Committee members:
Victoria Bell
Claire Brooks
Gillie Smith
Alan Wilson
Jutta Knowles
Daryl Duncan
Steph Hayes
Jo Exley