Blenheim Canine Training | A G M 2019
A dog obedience and agility club dedicated to promoting responsible dog ownership through education and training
Blenheim Canine Training, dog, agility, dog obedience, Marlborough, education, classes, puppy courses, advanced obedience, Rally O, first-time dog owners, frequent competitions
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A G M 2019

We held our A G M at the Saveur Restaurant on Wednesday Night 31 July 2019, 21 people were present and 19 stayed for dinner and socialised afterwards. Was a good night really nice to see so many new faces, below is our new committee welcome everyone both those returning officers and new.

Executive Members:

Patron: Murray Brooks

President: Karina Greenall

Secretary: Jennifer Everest

Vice President: Yoshimi Kurosawa

Treasurer: Wendy Champion

IPP: Sandra Goodwin


Senior Obedience Manager: Jennifer Everest

Deputy Obedience Manager: Yoshimi Kurosawa

Publicity Officer: Jennifer Everest

Newsletter Editor: Jennifer Everest

Trophy and Ribbon Steward: Wendy Reynolds

Agility Manager: Wendy Reynolds

Deputy Agility Manager: Natasha Neame


Other Committee members:

Victoria Bell

Claire Brooks

Gillie Smith

Alan Wilson

Jutta Knowles

Daryl Duncan

Steph Hayes

Jo Exley