Blenheim held their first Obedience and Rally O Obedience in just over a decade.
We had a good turn out from our Obedience people and agility people came along and had a go as well.
Nelson dogĀ Club came over the hill and supported us also.
Karen Sadler from Upper Hutt judged Obedience Novice, Beginners, Test A B C
Wendy Champion from Blenheim Judged Elementary
Obedience Results:
Zoe Eld with Missy 1st Elementary, 3rd Beginners
Sheryl Vincent with Tide 2nd Beginners
Cheryl Smith with Barkley 2nd Elementary
Jenny Everest with Mindy 1st Novice
Rally O Results
Rally O Judge Jen Calder from Nelson
Zoe Eld with Missy 1st Novice A
Claire Bymolt with Elliott 3rd Novice A
Jenny Everest 1st Novice B
Jenny Everest 1st Advanced A
Qualifying Certificates.
Cheryl Smith with Ace
Katrina Smith with Rusty
Les McDonald with Bella
Sue Gardner with Lou
Claire Bymolt with McKenzie
Cheryl Smith with Barkley
Zoe and Missy
Rachel and Skye
Zoe and Missy
Sheryl and Tide
Karen Dunlea,Cheryl Smith and Zoe Eld
Sharon and Bonnie Blenheim
Maria and Rosie from Nelson
Karen Sadler Judge, Lizzie from Nelson, Sheryl and Zoe from Blenheim
Lizzie’s new puppy
Tide with his ribbon
Karen Sadler Judge, Jenny and Mindy Blenheim Rachael and Skye Nelson
Missy with her ribbons
Mindy with her ribbons and her RN certificate
Elliott with his ribbon
Ace with his certificateĀ
Barkley with her ribbon
Mindy fetching the dumbbell.