Blenheim Canine Training | BCTC July Ribbon Trial 2023
A dog obedience and agility club dedicated to promoting responsible dog ownership through education and training
Blenheim Canine Training, dog, agility, dog obedience, Marlborough, education, classes, puppy courses, advanced obedience, Rally O, first-time dog owners, frequent competitions
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About This Project

Clear Rounds. For BCTC Members.

Starters 1 SCT: 58 CL: 145  Date: 02/07/2023 Roy Thorndycraft, Nbr Of Dogs: 11    Results Final Uploaded: 03-07-2023
Result Dog Owner
1     0/44.010 sec X005 Delujo Opal Star (Toy Poodle) Wendy Reynolds
Novice 1 SCT: 64 CL: 160  Date: 02/07/2023 Roy Thorndycraft, Nbr Of Dogs: 14    Results Final Uploaded: 03-07-2023
Result Dog Owner
1     0/37.032 sec V250 Lou (Lab/whippet x) Sue Gardiner
2     0/41.766 sec W299 Anzac (Labradoodle) Susan Woodley
Intermediate 1 SCT: 60 CL: 180  Date: 02/07/2023 Roy Thorndycraft, Nbr Of Dogs: 12    Results Final Uploaded: 03-07-2023
Result Dog Owner
1     0/57.309 sec R004 Gai Gamin Pearl April Grace (Toy Poodle) Wendy Reynolds
JC 1 SCT: 41 CL: 123  Date: 02/07/2023 Roy Thorndycraft, Nbr Of Dogs: 12    Results Final Uploaded: 03-07-2023
Result Dog Owner
1     0/23.796 sec T640 Tui at Tamataki (Collie X lab) Claire Brooks

