13 Mar Blenheim Ribbon Trial
It was another hot day for the first Ribbon trial for the year. Nic was called in to judge when our contracted judge had to pull out a week or so before the event. We are so lucky to have him to be able to step in like that, thanks Nic. He had good courses that he said he just reversed from the day before at Nelson’s ribbon trial and they worked well, even though no one got around the senior course but that was us handlers’ fault, lol.
There seemed to be more Nelson people over but we were down in numbers from our club, with Sheryl away at a show down south, Claire at a breed show and Tash out injured so her dogs got a rest. Tash’s Jazz who, Jen ran after having a go with Jazz at training and did very well considering she has only ever run starters/novice /c before, as Jazz is in all the top classes.
It was great to have Jorga back running Taser in his first ribbon trial and first timers Ella Gould and Rocket as well as Laura Yates and Otis all from the beginners class. They should be proud of how they all went with their dogs. Laura is so keen after doing so well (3rd in jumpers C) that she wants to join the kennel club and do our May Jumpers show.
For the other beginners we have another Ribbon trial beginning of July.
Gillie & Peppy collected 2 x 2nd one in novice and the other in JC
Sandra & Tess 2nd in Startrers and 3rd in Novice
Sandra & Heid 3rd in intermediate
Sandra & Finn 3rd in Jumpers A and 2nd in Intermediate
Wendy & Crystal 3rd in Starters and 3rd in Jumpers B
Erin & Dudley 1st in Jumpers B
Steph had and amazing round with May in Jumpers A coming 1st with Marcela and Toby 2nd
Laura & Otis 3rd in Jumpers C