24 Jan Blenheim Agility Show results
Blenheim November Agility Champ Show
Another very busy but very successful show for us on and off the courses with a lot of very good results from club members which I will get into soon.
Thanks again to every one who helped us in any way over the weekend every bit helps us so much to make it easier for us to run our dogs and run the show as well.
This was our major show for the year and with 3 x agility 2x jumpers Ad and ADX all run in one weekend it is a lot of classes to get though.
We are the only club in NZ to run this many events over 2 days we do this to attract people from away to travel to our show but of course it means a lot of work for us but once again I think we did very well so pat on the back everyone.
I would also like to thank our sponsors Sheryl and Ed for donating the Yealands wine for the judges and 1st place getters and also Orijen Dog food for their on going support over the last few years.
Also the Vet centre and Christine from Picton Veterinary for supplying some product for our raffle.
We will start at the top. OVERALL TOP DOG for the whole show went to Marcela and TOBY they were also top maxi dog they had an awesome weekend again .
Toby- 1st Jumpers B1 2nd x2 Intermediate 1,and 2 maxi . 3rd x 2 Novice 2 and 3 maxi . Toby is now in Jumpers A
Next most successful and getting Top Small Dog was Jen and Mindy also following on from their success at Nelson in Sept.
1st x2 NOV 1 and 2 small dog and in non split classes 2nd in Starters 2 and Jumpers C2 Mindy is now in Nov/intermediate.
Top medium dog went to James Trimble from CHCh with Ritz.
Marcela also had a lot of wins with Jaffa she was 1st in Starters 3, Nov 1 and Nov 2 medium.
Sheryl’s Casey had a win in Nov 3 med Q a 2nd in Int2 maxi
Gilly and Peppy had a 4th in starters they only ran one day as Gilly competed in the women Tri on Sunday coming 2nd or 3rd in her age group.
Melissa and Pepa got 2nd in Starters 1 then unfortunately Pepa pulled up lame so couldn’t compete for the rest of the weekend.
Jane’s Tiff 2nd in senior 1 and inter 2 small
Kat 4th in Jc
Theo 3rd inter small
Rose 3rd in B2
Tash Trico 1st in A2 3rd in senior 3
Jazz 4th A1 and senior 3 , 3rd in senior 2 and 2nd in inter 1 med
Gizz 2nd in JC1
Nic Nija 1st in inter1 maxi
Wendy and Crystal 2nd novice 1 small and 3rd.
Sandra Rebel 1st Novice 3maxi and 3rd in Jc1 and Novice 1 maxi and is also now in intermedaite.
Finn 3rd inter2 maxi
Heidi fastest qualifier ribbon in ADX advance.
Sorry if I missed any one’s results there was a lot which is wonderful.
So this ends a busy show season next show is Cats Jumpers at the end of January .
On a club level beginning of March we have our first ribbon trial maybe we will have some of our nbeginners keen to have a go.
Mindy with her Top small dog Rosettee.
Karina and Ellie. Sandra and Rebel
Other results
Christine and Holly have once again been touring around some ribbon trials going to wellington and CHCh again picking up another 3rd place ribbon in elementary A, well done to you both.
Also NZDAC which is NZ dog agility championships our big nation event held in Tokaroa this year. This was the bigest nationals ever held think Sheryl said their were nine rings set up and most classes had huge numbers
Sheryl was the only one to go this year. Her and Casey had made our Zone team as the starter dog. We ended up 2nd in the teams event.
Unfortunately Sheryl got sick so didn’t compete much but she did manage to get a 3rd with Jack in Jumpers B hudge acheivement with 67 maxis in the class. An comparsion of size to our show Novice was four way split with 106 maxis ,93 mediums ,47 mini’s and 23 micros .
Ours 22 maxis , 24 medium,20 micro mini combined.
Next year the nationals are held in our Zone at Rakaia just out of CHCH. It wont be as big as this but is still a big show to what we are use to. Hopefully some of you will come to experience it next Labour weekend.
Click here to see some more images from the show.