Blenheim Canine Training | Jenny Everest
A dog obedience and agility club dedicated to promoting responsible dog ownership through education and training
Blenheim Canine Training, dog, agility, dog obedience, Marlborough, education, classes, puppy courses, advanced obedience, Rally O, first-time dog owners, frequent competitions
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Winners for 2024: Top Agility Dogs: 600 Claire Brooks and Tui 500 Steph Hayes and Maeve Small:Wendy Reynolds and Opal Over all Top Agility Dog: Wendy Reynolds and Opal Top Obedience Dog of the Year: Jennifer...

600 Agility Dog of the Year Claire Brooks & Tui 500 Agility Dog of the Year  Sheryl Vincent & Tide Small Agility dog of the Year Wendy Reynolds & Pearl Overall top Agility dog of the Year  Sheryl Vincent & Smithcreeks Tide of Change. Agility Trophy for most clear rounds Wendy Reynolds & Crystal Highest...

Once you are a club member you can come along to Flygility the dogs love this fast ball based sport. We run link every second Saturday of the month. Click Below to see video. Shadow and Wendy Champion (2)        ...

Claire Brooks Top 600 Dog  Tui Sheryl Vincent Top 500 Dog Tide Wendy Reynolds  Top Small Dog Crystal Wendy Reynolds Top Dog over all Crystal May Jennifer Everest Top Obedience Dog Mindy Wendy Reynolds Most Clear Rounds with Crystal May Zoe Eld 1st place Highest...

We held our AGM at Fairweathers on Scott Street Wednesday 28 July 2021. Prize Giving Winners: Top Agility 600 Dog :Elly and Karina Greenall Wendy Champion receiving award on behalf Top Agility 500 Dog: Joma and Sharon Jordan Wendy Champion receiving award on behalf Top Agility Small dog: Pearl and...

We held our A G M at the Saveur Restaurant on Wednesday Night 31 July 2019, 21 people were present and 19 stayed for dinner and socialised afterwards. Was a good night really nice to see so many new faces, below is our new committee...