Blenheim Canine Training | Welcome to the Blenheim Canine Training Club
A dog obedience and agility club dedicated to promoting responsible dog ownership through education and training
Blenheim Canine Training, dog, agility, dog obedience, Marlborough, education, classes, puppy courses, advanced obedience, Rally O, first-time dog owners, frequent competitions
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Welcome to the Blenheim Canine Training Club


We are a friendly club based in Blenheim, Marlborough, and are dedicated to promoting responsible dog ownership through education and training.

We operate from the A&P Showgrounds in Maxwell Road, where there is plenty of space and ample parking.

We offer a variety of dog training opportunities for you and your pet: obedience, from  Domestic Dog  Classes   (these classes are available all year except January.) Moving onto more advanced obedience and Rally O for those wanting a greater obedience challenge.  We also offer  Agility Foundation and Beginner classes  twice a year.   Flygility training is available once you have become a Club Member.

Obedience and Agility

Our obedience and Agility classes are suitable for everyone, from first-time dog owners to competitive obedience and Agility handlers. The club is open to dogs of any size, colour or breed (including cross-breeds). All of our training is reward based, and you are encouraged to bring along toys and soft treats to motivate your dog.

You must complete an introductory class at either the Domestic Dog class (Obedience) or Foundation/Beginner Agility class before you can become a member of the Blenheim Canine Training Club.  Email:

600 Agility Dog of the Year Claire Brooks & Tui 500 Agility Dog of the Year  Sheryl Vincent & Tide Small Agility dog of the Year Wendy Reynolds...

Claire Brooks Top 600 Dog  Tui Sheryl Vincent Top 500 Dog Tide Wendy Reynolds  Top Small Dog Crystal Wendy Reynolds Top Dog over...

We held our AGM at Fairweathers on Scott Street Wednesday 28 July 2021. Prize Giving Winners: Top Agility 600 Dog :Elly and Karina Greenall Wendy Champion...