Blenheim Canine Training | Wiamakariri Agility Champ Show
A dog obedience and agility club dedicated to promoting responsible dog ownership through education and training
Blenheim Canine Training, dog, agility, dog obedience, Marlborough, education, classes, puppy courses, advanced obedience, Rally O, first-time dog owners, frequent competitions
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Wiamakariri Agility Champ Show

Date of event: 12/13th September

We had a really good number of club members going down to ChCh for this big show with lots of really good results from club members.

Biggest news from the show was Tash making Jazz (The Peanut) up to a Jumpers Grand Champion a huge acheivement.

Jazz made Tash work even harder than she had to taking Trico up to this level, as she is a dog you have to work hard and be on the ball with, to get the results. Tash  got the usual wetting with water, bubbles with lots of other things thrown over her for good measure. You can see the wetting on the club Facebook page. Jazz is  NZ’s 26th  Jumpers  Grand champion  and of course Tash now has two with already having made Trico up to Jumpers and Agility Grand Champion. For those who don’t know this is the highest achivement you can get to in Agility.

Marcela and Jane picked up a good haul of  ribbons and had a competition on the saturday  to see who covered the table the most with them all. Think Marcela toped Jane by one .

All the classes were split which is great  for making a  more level competition for the dogs through all the heights.

Marcelas -Toby maxi 2nd – nov 1  ,2nd nov 2  ,2nd int  Jumper B 2nd
Jaffa 1st stat med, 3rd nov, Jumpers C 1st,  JC2 2nd
Wendy’s Crystal  3rd start small, Jc 3
Shona’s  Kimi  3rd nov small
Janes Rose med 1st nov, Jumpers B 1st
Tiff  small  2nd inter 1, 2nd inter 2 3rd sen
Kat jumpers C 1small 2nd JC2  3nd
Tash’s Trico-med  1st int
Jazz -med 1st senior Jumper A 1med 2nd  JA2,  1st
Sheryl’s Q -maxi  3rd  inter
Sandra’s Rebel  JC maxi 3rd
Heidi  ADX bronze