Blenheim Canine Training | Nelson Champ Show results, June 4-6 2016
A dog obedience and agility club dedicated to promoting responsible dog ownership through education and training
Blenheim Canine Training, dog, agility, dog obedience, Marlborough, education, classes, puppy courses, advanced obedience, Rally O, first-time dog owners, frequent competitions
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Nelson Champ Show results, June 4-6 2016

We achieved some great results at the Nelson Champ Show. Here is a detailed list:

Wendy Reynolds & Crystal May 3rd
Sandra Goodwin & Tess 5th
Gillie Smith & Peppy, 3rd
Gillie Smith & Peppy, 4th

Novice Small:
Jenny Everest & Mindy, 1st
Marcela Zatloukalova & Jaffa, 2nd
Wendy Reynolds & Crystal May 3rd
Erin Newton & He’s Just a Dude, 1st
Wendy Reynolds & Crystal May 3rd

Novice Medium:
Gillie Smith & Peppy, 1st
Sandra Goodwin & Tess 2nd
Wendy Reynolds & Crystal May 3rd

Novice Maxi:
Marcela Zatloukalova & Toby, 2nd
Sandra Goodwin & Rebel With A Cause, 5th
Marcela Zatloukalova & Toby, 3rd

Intermediate Medium:
Natasha Neame & Jazzi Push tht Peanut, 2nd
Natasha Neame & Tricot, 3rd
Natasha Neame & Jazzi Push tht Peanut, 1st
Sheryl Vincent & Legendary Casey of Makahu, 4th
Natasha Neame & Tricot, 5th

Intermediate Maxi:
Sheryl Vincent & Highfields Right On, 1st
Sandra Goodwin &vLinwood Jester’s Finale 2nd
Sandra Goodwin & Linwood Jester’s Finale, 2nd
Sheryl Vincent & Highfield’s right On Q, 3rd

Natasha Neame & Jazzi Push tht Peanut, 2nd
Natasha Neame & Tricot, 4th
Natasha Neame & Jazzi Push tht Peanut, 1st
Natasha Neame & Tricot, 4th
Natasha Neame & Jazzi Push tht Peanut, 3rd

Jumpers C
Sandra Goodwin & Tess 5th
Jenny Everest & Mindy, 3rd
Natasha Neame & Just Gizz Me A Chance, 2nd
Jenny Everest & Mindy, 4th

Jumpers B Small
Marcela Zatloukalova & Jaffa, 3rd
Erin Newton & He’s Just a Dude, 2nd
Erin Newton & He’s Just a Dude, 3rd
Erin Newton & He’s Just a Dude, 2nd

Jumpers B Medium:
Marcela Zatloukalova & Jaffa, 1st
Sandra Goodwin & Heiland Heidi of Cliffwood, 3rd

Jumpers A:
Natasha Neame & Jazzi Push tht Peanut, 1st
Natasha Neame & Tomb Raidin Roo, 5th

Agility Dog
Sheryl Vincent & Legendary Casey Of Makau, 3rd

Agility Dog XA
Natasha Neame & Jazzi Push tht Peanut, 3rd
Sheryl Vincent & Highfield’s right On Q, 4th

View some pics from the show here